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Website Design

Most of the businesses, these days, are dependent on an effective website design especially those competing online. This has increased the popularity of website designing companies for designing vibrant and lively websites that are capable of holding the visitors and ultimately developing their interest. There has been an exponential increase in the volume of traffic that is directed to websites. Unless the layout of the website is attractive the website does not get the stay of visitors on them. “Any designer can do SOMETHING. A great designer does the RIGHT thing.” This applies to DigiUncle where we are delivering customer satisfaction through exceptionally designed websites that look fresh, impressive and convey peerless concept to customers because we understand that a good design is very important for a website as it represents the outlook of a company. If a website is attractive enough it can attract traffic towards it and increase in traffic always result in increase in business.

Our web design services mainly include:

Static Website Designing

Static websites are for the people who prefer a search engine friendly website, one that delivers content for which site visitors are searching. Static websites designing facility available at DigiUncle assists you in easy downloading of images, browser compatibility and easy navigation having effective graphics and interactivity. Our static website designing provide easy solution to the businesses or individuals, to post information about their company, products/services, etc. onto the static web pages. The static websites are created using minimum script and HTML coding. You can use many tools such as dream weaver and front page to develop these sites. Since the site is just a set of HTML pages therefore it's easier to maintain and is error free. A static website is easy to design, develop and maintain. They are of great help particularly for a small business that is trying to establish itself.

Dynamic Website Designing

Web pages, such as PHP, ASP and JSP pages are dynamic web pages. These pages contain “server-side” code, which allows the server to generate unique content each time the page is loaded. A dynamic website is written using more complex code and can do a lot more. For instance, we can make an area where you can log in and change various parts of the website, such as adding information or products or changing existing products/services. E-Commerce websites development, news websites are some examples of dynamic websites. This is because each page is constructed based on the information in a database, and the information in that database can be changed via another interface..

Flash Website Designing

“A picture is worth a thousand words”
DigiUncle provides professional flash website designing services. It is one of the few flash design companies in India involved in creative designing of websites. Flash is a multimedia tool that is used to add in animations and visual effects for designing resourceful websites. Flash enables to give an attractive touch to the web pages and helps to design the website in a visually appealing manner. Flash can be used to highlight important aspects of business/ product on the web page.

At DigiUncle, our creative web designers are skillful enough to convert an uninteresting website into a lively one through their flash development skills. An eye-catching visual image is more interactive and is able to capture attention of the visitors on the internet. This is the reason why we try to give attractive touch to our client’s webpage and design the website in a visually likable way.